Science Magazine - One Issue Symbiotic Fungi. Mutual support by plant and fungus aided ancient move to land Clean electric cars pose a messy recycling puzzle Reversible ketone-based redox flow batteries Touch feedback boosts brain-computer interface Pages 757-876 Cover: Confocal microscopy image of a symbiotic fungus ( Rhizophagus irregularis ) colonizing the tissues of the nonvascular plant Marchantia paleacea (plant cell walls, cyan; fungus, green; plant chloroplasts, red). Chloroplasts transfer atmospheric carbon, as lipids, from the plant to the fungus, thus feeding it. The fungus, in turn, provides nutrients and water to the plant. This symbiosis has supported terrestrial plants since they began colonizing dry land 450 million years ago. See pages 789 and 864. Credit: Cécile Pouzet (FRAIB/CNRS) Each additional magazine ships for $1. You have to use the shopping cart to get this discount